Shipping Personal Possessions is Simple with Eagle Shipping

When moving from one country to another, one of the most important aspects is the shipment of your personal possessions – safely and quickly.  At Eagle Shipping, we are aware of the importance and sensitivity of this subject; consequently, we provide you with an experienced professional team that will ensure that your equipment is protected and sent to you safely.  In order to save you precious time spent on bureaucracy, at Eagle Shipping, we offer you close personal assistance and a skilled professional team throughout the entire process.

Preliminary Planning and Professional Consultation

After you have decided to return or move to Israel, you must conduct preliminary planning of the move, in order to avoid delays and problems during the move.  In order for everything to run smoothly, Eagle Shipping provides you with professional consultation starting from the planning stages.  During the professional consultation, we will assess the shipping of personal possessions, including the content volume, the possessions you wish to send and the ideal shipping method.  We will advise you as to which documents you need to prepare and offer you an organized price quote.

We will tailor a solution that meets your personal needs and allows you to receive your personal belongings according to a time schedule agreed upon in advance.  Make sure to plan in advance and organize the shipping of personal possessions. This will help you save precious time and avoid unnecessary complications during the move.

Personal Professional Support for Returning Residents and New Immigrants

Many Israeli residents who have spent a few years overseas and have decided to return to Israel or people who have decided to immigrate to Israel need to ship their personal possessions in the fastest and most efficient manner.

Eagle Shipping offers you professional consultation that will help you understand the entire process, including working with customs, the income tax authority, the Ministry of Absorption and all key institutions involved in the process.  The Company is aware of the complexities and the bureaucracy that may cause delays; and thanks to its professional experience, it succeeds in quickly facilitating the process, allowing you to save precious time and avoid getting involved in these complicated proceedings.

Our teams will assist you starting with the planning stage.  At this stage, we will estimate the weight of your possessions, listen to your needs and determine a time schedule accordingly.  After the stage in which we customize a professional solution for you, we will start working.  Together with you, we will organize the necessary documents, choose the type of packaging required to successfully move the contents and provide you with a precise logistical estimate and professional advice that will enable the best move possible for you.

Moving Personal Possessions with Eagle Shipping – For an Easier Move:

Eagle Shipping offers responsible and professional shipping services that include moving personal possessions from one location in the world to another.  We support you through the bureaucratic process with the different government ministries and the customs authorities, throughout the process, from beginning to end.  We ensure that your equipment is cleared from any location, making sure that the necessary procedures are followed, and the equipment is moved efficiently and quickly.  Thanks to the extensive experience of our Customs Clearance Department, your personal possessions will be cleared quickly, without problems or delays.

Contact us for further information and consultation.

Eagle Shipping (A.M.Y.) Ltd

Netivot 11, Herzliya, Israel


P.O.B 449


Contact Info:

 office:  +972-99514555

fax: +972-99516444


:Contact Info

 office:  +972-99514555

fax: +972-99516444

Eagle Shipping (A.M.Y.) Ltd


Netivot 11, Herzliya, Israel


P.O.B 449


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